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The Summer of George

·421 words·2 mins
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2010 is officially the year I start doing things for myself. In my 28 years on Earth, I’ve probably spent less than a year doing things for myself. I’ve dedicated most of my life trying to make other people happy. What has it given me? 95% stress, 5% happiness.

Well, no more! I’ve decided that 2010 is my year. It is a year for me to do things for me. This will be conducted in three phases:

  • Phase 1: Purging
  • Phase 2: Ethics
  • Phase 3: Reinforcement

Phase one will consist of systematically remove things from my life which are causing stress for me.

Phase two will consist of re-evaluating how I see society, what I value, how it affects my life, and setting some ground rules to govern the good and the bad in my life.

Phase three will consist of surrounding myself with things that reinforce my happiness and quickly identifying and removing things from my life that cause me harm.

Today begins Phase One…


Places: #

To start, I’ll be getting rid of Toronto. Everything about Toronto stresses me so much. It’s a cold hearted bitch and I’m tired of it! I’ll be leaving Toronto for Vancouver in the near future. I’m just happier whenever I am there.


People: #

If you are someone in my life who has caused me great stress, look for me to cut ties with you in 2010. This may seem cold and has great potential to alienate some of the people in my life. However, if you are causing me so much pain in my life, I assert that you weren’t my friend to begin with. Should you qualify as a person of interest, you can expect that I will confront you and say my goodbyes. Of course, you can mitigate this action by confronting me if you feel guilty about something.


Things: #

I’m using things to qualify anything else in my life. Whether it be a corporation, a piece of technology, some other aspect of the way I live my life. If the result of something being in my life is degrading the quality, I will quickly remove it as part of my life.

Now, you may see all this as cold, selfish, or me just being a bitch. But, really, I don’t care! I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for myself. This is MY year! I’m not taking shit from anyone/thing anymore! Besides, what do you have to worry about? Do you feel guilty?